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Best hypoallergenic and non-shedding dogs
Most people think the only thing that causes allergic reaction to pets is their fur, but you should know that the substance causing sneezing, coughing, itching and wheezing while encountering to pets is not the fur, but ....

Homemade Hamster Food
How to make hamster treats and food at home by some DIY recipe

Hamster Diet and Treats List
List of hamster favorite foods & treats and Things that you should avoid feeding them

Best Hypoallergenic Cats
Best and least expensive cat breeds for allergies are mentioned in this article. Also you get some information about non-shedding cats

Betta Swim Bladder Disorder
Swim bladder is the organ which enables a fish to control its buoyancy. Instead of swimming constantly, swim bladder does that instead. It helps the fish to save energy and swim much easier.

Budgie Eye Infection
Know about Budgie eye infection and conjunctivitis, how to recognize symptoms and best way of treatments

Betta Fish Fin Rot
Fin rot, tail rot or fin melt is a condition in which your fish’s fins are burnt. The symptoms start with discoloring of the fins. White tiny spots will occur on them and they might be unnoticed until expansion...

Best Large Aquarium Heater
how to choose best aquarium heaters for large fish tank aquariums

Best Inline Aquarium Heater
Best inline aquarium 300 and 500 watt heater for external use

Best Mini Aquarium Heater
There are some top brands of heaters which in this particular case all needed is to distinguish which one is the best heater for your small aquarium and can fulfill your needs.

Cat eye corneal ulcer
What is the cornea? The cornea is the clear, glistening membrane that makes up the surface of the eyeball. Think of it as a clear windowpane. To understand a corneal ulcer, you must first know how the cornea is constructed.

Seal point ragdoll
Specifications of seal point ragdoll cat and kittens


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